Glacier National Park Bighorns...
For those that know me this was an accomplishment. I have the bad luck of never being able to see the big horn sheep, people go to Glacier all the time and see them up close, I went to Alaska and hiked a trail that was to be loaded with them and still I am looking. This was my second trip to Glacier and it looked as if I would go away empty handed again. But on the trip back from Logan Pass on the Going to the sun Highway we spotted these guys up high on the side of the mountain. Not the ideal shooting and not the photos I had hoped to get but I did see them and I did get a shot. Maybe one of these years I will get lucky.
Nice image Brad, but man they are far away. Couldn't you get any closer??
It's good you had that eagle eye guide with
I can relate to your elusive big horns. I finally hit pay dirt on a trip to Banff. In fact, sheep were the #1 target species on that trip. Even though these guys in your are not close it is still has nice colors. Blue Skies.
Good job, Brad. Sometimes the wildlife just doesn't co-operate, but you did quite well under the circumstances.
In reference to the dvd, I haven't posted them for sale yet as I am spending a lot of time outdoors and do not have enough made to post them for sale.
The price for Residents of Pennsylvania is $25.00+3.00 shipping and handling+ 6% Pa. Sales tax. Total $29.68
If you want one now just e-mail me your address and I'll reply with mine. You can send a check or money order. (I have two left over from the trip to elk county and will have more in stock soon).
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