Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It Taste Better If You Work For It...

By now my regular viewers know that when I make a trip to photograph wildlife I get as much mileage out of the photos as I can. If you would like to see something different then please sponsor a trip for me to go someplace to take photos. I guess for deer it is like a cow the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. It just seems to taste better if you have to work for it and these two 4x2 and 4x4 bucks are doing just that.

I know both photos have a different color cast to them. Is one correct and one wrong? Beats me, the warmth of a photo and a color cast present or not present is one of the hardest things for me to do when I am processing the photos for the blog or print. I will say the first photo was taken in the afternoon as clouds were rolling in with a front and the second photo was taken early in the morning just after sunrise. Does that make them both right or is one or both wrong?


Heather said...

As always I love your photos and blog... it's funny because I admire your work so much yet you are always analyzing it just as I do my own which makes me feel great! If you just posted photos and never said anything about your thoughts on the composition, I would think you were a pro!

Woody said...

I think both look real good Brad.

Coy Hill said...

Nice captures of bucks and licking branches. Did either of these bucks scrape at these spots?

As for the processing, I like both shots.