Thursday, January 31, 2008
My Girl Alex

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Chuck's Trucks

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Mainsville Road House Fire

The top photo is not blurry because I was shaking it is like that because it was shot hand held and 1.7 seconds at f3.5. If you want to compare it to the other post for a time line it was taken at 6:32:51 or 40 seconds after the third photo down on my Shippensburg Fire Department Blog Spot site http://shippensburgfiredepartment.blogspot.com/2007/10/early-morning-job.html other information and photos can also be found at http://bradleymyersphotography.blogspot.com/2007/10/send-box.html If I missed anything or typed something wrong then oops, I am trying to get off to work.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Madison River Elk

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Mr. Ed Where Have You Been

Being a wildlife nut and going to Yellowstone for the first time is like a child in a candy store, I just could not control myself. But I had never seen a moose in the wild before and I just had to see one and I would have killed for it to be a bull.
As we left Yellowstone and started down through the Tetons the chances got better. Upon reaching Ox Bow Bend they got even better yet, but it still had not happened. Now we are heading towards Moose (not the animal but a location) and I have become possessed, Linda and Shane know it also. All I want to do is find moose and we finally found a cow in the water feeding. It was a great first experience as Shane and I snuck up through the mud every time she would put her head under water. Some locals working in the are sent me in another direction to the Gros Verde Road (I think I spelled it correctly) it sounded like a good place to find some bulls. So off we go Linda and Shane in tow wondering when will this idiot stop hunting for moose and let the vacation continue. We get to the location we were sent seeing nothing so I decide it is time for a walk. Twenty minutes into the walk and I spot a moose, and it is a bull at that. A very young bull, small body with antlers just bigger than my hands. Later in the week we spot a few around Ox Bow Bend but still nothing up close and no large males.
With our southern part of the trip finished we head back to Yellowstone, disappointed that we had only seen about four or five moose and none up close. Our first destination in Yellowstone that day was to be the fishing bridge. On our way their we spot a traffic jam meaning wildlife in the area. As we approach we cannot help but to break out in a big smile. Here is this large cow moose feeding in the grass close enough to kick our butts. All that work and she was just hanging around waiting for us.
The hunt for moose that vacation was still allot of fun and something I am glad we did. To this day it still gives up plenty of laughs. Since that time I have been back to Yellowstone and the Tetons to see more moose and Alaska where we watched moose. All have been wonderful experiences but I am still waiting for a good photo of a bull moose. I will get it one of these days.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Misc. Fire Shots For Chuck

The other photos was taken at the Harrisburg Area Community College fire training area this past summer as the Harrisburg Bureau of Fire conducted live burn drills. For those of you wondering I think all the companies were able to locate the facility without getting lost. I am not sure about the hose line deployment and getting water. I can say the uptown performed flawlessly as usual. Additional HACC photos and information can be found at the following two links to previous post on my site http://bradleymyersphotography.blogspot.com/2007/12/hacc-fire-training-area.html for an overhead view of HACC, http://bradleymyersphotography.blogspot.com/2007/11/through-my-eyes.html for live burn shots and http://bradleymyersphotography.blogspot.com/2007/11/my-heroes.html just because they are my heroes and they deserve to be showcased every chance we get.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
More Ducks...

Take note to the large bump on the white ones head, my guess is this duck used to be a firefighter and that is where his supervisor kept clubbing him for using common sense.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I Should Give Up

I have now realized there is not an artistic bone in my body. Maybe it is time to give up and remember that I shoot for fun and myself and not this site. Pressuring myself to find the right shot or process it correctly (witch probably won't happen anyway) takes all the fun out of it. With viewers going done on here I may cut back more than the five days a week I post now and go back to enjoying photography.
Friday, January 18, 2008
2nd & Forster For The MVA

The last photograph shows two of out more senior firefighters on the job, Lieutenant Jim McHenry (SQ 8) and Steve "WOO" Vasser (T-3 Chauffeur).
Thursday, January 17, 2008
This Ones For Chuck...

About the photo, this is the Vigilant Hose Company No. 1 Shippensburg, Pa. The building the apparatus is in was built when fire apparatus was much smaller. When this shot was taken the two E-One fire engines were the 1993 and 1999 models. Since then the 1993 has been sold and replaced with a 2005 E-One. Growing up here this same area served as the home for Seagrave fire engines.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Welcome To My Island

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Monday, January 14, 2008
Alaska Sea Otters

Sea otters are the largest member of the weasel family and the smallest marine mammal. Ninety percent of the world’s sea otters live in coastal Alaska.
The Marine Mammal Protection Act protects sea otters. It prohibits commercial harvest of sea otters, and allows Alaska natives to hunt sea otters for subsistence and creation of handicrafts.
Historically, sea otter populations made a dramatic comeback after near extinction due to over hunting, and later survived the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
I will continue to post photographs during the week, but I will no longer make post on the weekends. Since I started the site four months ago very few people visit the site on Saturdays' and Sundays'. The numbers are just to small then for me to take the time to update the site. I want to thank everyone that does look at my site daily and I hope you enjoy it.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
This Fish Is Mine...

I have run out of things to say about Brooks Falls that I have not already said on my many other post. But then those of you who know me know I am a man of few words.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Brooks Falls, Alaska

Friday, January 11, 2008
I Don't Want To Be Here

Speaking of going back to work, it looks like today will be good and bad. We pick our vacations today so I will know when I will be off this year, YEAH!!!!, no clothing picks though since someone screwed that up again this year. Some people never get it. I will have a busy clean up morning though, as the guys are working a fatal three alarm fire on the hill as I type this. For those of you familiar with Harrisburg you will say it only went two alarms, since I am not as screwed up as the powers that changed to wording that worked forever it went THREE ALARMS.
Time to go back to dreaming about being at the beach.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Fun On The Beach...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
More Bird Photos...

Now I am no bird expert by a long shots, I prefer cats But I think this is a Black Skimmer. The Black Skimmer breeds in loose groups on sandbanks and sandy beaches in America, the three to seven heavily dark-blotched buff or bluish eggs being incubated by both the male and female. The chicks leave the nest as soon as they hatch and lie inconspicuously in the nest depression or "scrape" where they are shaded from high temperatures by the parents. They may dig their own depressions in the sand at times. Parents feed the young almost exclusively during the day with almost no feeding occurring at night, due to the entire population of adults sometimes departing the colony to forage. Although the mandibles are of equal length at hatching, they rapidly become unequal during fledgling.
Skimmers have a light graceful flight, with steady beats of their long wings. They feed in often large flocks, flying low over the water surface with the lower mandible skimming the water for small fish or crustaceans, caught by touch by day or especially at night. They spend much time loafing gregariously on sandbars in the rivers, coasts and lagoons they frequent. When calling the sound is a barking kak-kak-kak. If it turns out the bird is not what I said it was then disregard everything I just said.
I don't know what the other bird is. What do I look like an encyclopedia?
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Florida Brown Pelican

This pelican is distinguished from the American White White by its brown body and its habit of diving for fish from the air, as opposed to co-operative fishing from the surface. It eats mainly herring-like fish. Groups of Brown Pelicans often travel in single file, flying low over the water's surface.
The Brown Pelican is the state bird of Louisiana.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Christmas Eve Bird Shoot

Top photo Shane uses my Nikon D70 with 70-300 mm Nikon lens to shoot brown pelicans. The other photograph I believe is of a Dunlin which is part of the piper family.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
More Disney's Holiday Parade

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Disney Holiday Parade

These photographs were taken at the Disney holiday parade on December 27, 2007. This parade was much different than the usual day time parade at Disney. The theme of the parade was Christmas and as usual Disney did everything top notch again. Knowing the parades would be different than we have ever seen and the limited viewing area we found spots ahead of time to insure an unobstructed view of the parade. Shane pointed out that the float Clarabelle is on was Mrs. Clause float for the Christmas day parade.
As with yesterdays I tried the new plug in Linda got me with better results but I still have to read the book.
Friday, January 4, 2008
More Disney...

The top photograph is from the the jungle cruise, they tried to get me wet but I sent them packing. The next photo is of Clarabelle Cow and Horace Horsecollar dancing outside the fire station first thing in the morning before many people had shown up. Tell the truth how many of you really knew their names.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Disney Parade Of Lights

The two photographs were shot with a flash so you really do not get the effect of the lights but it is a magical moment. I posted theses two Goofy and Mickey because I feel like I am with them four days a week at work. I hope you are not getting tired of Disney photos because I have more to come.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Disney Lights

During the day there was a special holiday parade and in the evening the parade of lights, photographs to follow in the next few days. After the parade of lights fireworks were set off in the area of Cinderellas Castle. Just being at Disney makes the young ones smile and the older feel young. Disney had one last surprise for us to end the the day, while walking down Main Street in 70 degree weather it started to snow, and it was not paper. I don't know how they did it but the snow was cold when you felt it.
While at Disney to cut down on weight and size I used the Nikon D70 to take all my photographs.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Downtown Disney

These photographs were shot in Downtown Disney on December 26, 2007. Downtown is a neat place to visit but be pre-warned it is a tourist trap designed to take your money. There are many places to eat like the Rainforest Cafe, a little expensive also but worth it to see the inside and experience the indoor storms. The area is also filled with entertainment for young and old and if you want to shop for Disney items this is your place. They have Poohs Corner, Team Mickey Athletic Club, Mickey's Pantry, Goofy's Candy Company and Shane's favorite a Lego store where millions of Lego's are out just waiting for you to build something right there.
Time for a font size change on my blogs, my eyes are getting bad and it makes them much easier to read.
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