Looking For Something To Post...
Having a blog is not supposed to be so difficult. It is the time of year when using the camera slows down because of other commitments and my photo cache begins to drop. It gets no easier when daily hits drop. I don't know if that is because my quality declined, people lost interest or because they are to busy also. Whatever the reason, I plan to try and keep this going, but as I mentioned yesterday I will miss a few days this month.
This blue heron was captured at Viera wetlands in Florida this past February.
I feel the same way. I think people are so busy during this time of year, spending more time outside, than in front of a computer. At least those are my assumptions.
I have so many pictures and stories to share but no time!
You can always talk about photography, your experiences and equipment used. I'de like reading about it!
It's not the quality of your photos my friend. I am the same way, This time of year has been so busy for me and doing more things with Wyatt and between work and spending time with the family. I've already missed a few days..
Your blog is the first thing I check in the morning..
Good morning Bradley~ Love the photo. She looks so pristine standing there with her hair twisted to one side. Stylin' and Profilin'. Have a great day.
I think everyone has their busy times of year!!!
I still try to check on some favorite blogs and comment as I can!!
I do enjoy your blog and photo's very much!!
Take care
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