But, Butt...
Looking through the photographs from Yellowstone to post it just seemed fitting that I use this shot. Like most people that like to photograph wildlife I have a large collection of butt shots. No it is not that I want to photograph their butts it is just that it is what you see most often. Like all I normally delete most of them but occasionally I keep a few. I kept this one from last fall because of the size of the mule deers rack. He really is a trophy buck and if he stays in Yellowstone and does not fall pray to any of the predators he will continue to grow and bring enjoyment to many others for years to come.
It is Thursday again so please visit Shane's blog.
I get it you said butt and his butt is facing towards us! LQTM (laugh quietly to myself) because i dont actually laugh out loud
He does hav a nice rack.
I'm with Sparky!
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