Friday, February 22, 2008

Danny Byers...

I had planned to put up two photos today but didn't get a second ready in time, so Danny you get the spotlight to yourself. Being my little site don't worry the light is fairly dim.

This photograph was taken at the down town Shippensburg fire in July 2006. Danny spotted the blaze on his way to work and went back to the Viggies to drive the Wagon.

Danny joined the Vigilant's in the early to mid 70's and worked his way up the ranks holding the position of Fire Chief for a number of years. Danny currently serves as President of the company. Byers also worked at the Letterkenny Army Depot Fire Department and served as chief of that organization also before retiring last August.

When I was working up the photograph for the site the idea I had was just more portraits of firefighters but after a comment I made a few days ago on my other site my description of the image has changed.

Danny is one of the firefighters that helped to mold me into a fireman, he may not remember it but he took me into (or should I say pushed me through) my first interior job. The incident occurred on the Mainsville Road on a Saturday back in July 1979 or 1980, Larry Kerns was driving the 1963 Seagrave and I was riding the seat, no one was getting out and it was a reported entrapment. Larry had me pack up and Danny pushed me through the building, the fire went out. I mentioned Larry he was another along with Gerald Holtry, Rick "Pap" Sanders and my father. I thank these guys and others that I failed to mention for turning me into a fireman, of course they may have messed me up for the modern fire service also.

Because of these men and many others before and after them the Shippensburg Fire Department continues to be one of the best organizations around blessed with lots of manpower and good firefighters. Many have gone on to make the fire service a career and I am sure many more will in the future.


Haney said...

There is alot of us who should line up to thanks those guys.
Also, this is the second time we posted the same subject on the same day.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture.. How did you do that ? and how could I get it blown up for myself ??? Sorry this comment is so late, I just found it on here.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I don't often post a note but I am always looking. Your sites are great. Thanks for the great picture and kind words. I am glad that I was a small part of your FD career. We need to get together sometime because I need a couple prints.


Anonymous said...

Brad, this is the first time on here j.d showed me the pic of Danny and i luv it thanks for putting MY MAN on do a GREAT JOB.KEEP IT UP.