City Island, Harrisburg, Pa.
Today's post was to have multiple images but blogger does not want to work right this morning and with the streets the way they are I really need to get to work. So you will just have to settle for this one. This is city island, in the middle of the Susquehanna river, Harrisburg, Pa. The island has change allot since I was young, we used to go to concerts on the island to see bands like Krokas, Judas Priest, Def Leopard and many more. Since then the island has been transformed into a family entertainment area with rides, minor league baseball, soccer and football. The island has also been flooded many times, and with any luck will not flood again until after I retire. Can you name the four bridges in the photograph?
top to bottom - South Bridge (581/83), Reading Railroad (Norfolk Southern), CVRR (abandoned)and Market Street
Of all people I would expect you to know the correct answer. When are we gonna run around Harrisburg to places you may have never seen or may not go otherwise and shoot some photos?
Sounds like a plan
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