The Two Day SNP Trip...
Last week I posted a couple of photographs from SNP and mentioned I made a recent two day trip there. Today's photograph came from the second morning. It was a very good trip for wildlife, the first day I seen about 75 deer with 12 to 15 being bucks, a flock of turkey's and a coyote. The second day I seen about 60 deer, 8 or 9 that were bucks, five raccoons (no photos) and a coyote. It looks promising for the rut next month and I can't wait to get back. The only problem with the trip is that more often than not the bucks were out when it was low light forcing me to take more video than photos and when I was shooting photos they were at high ISO. This photograph was taken at ISO 1000, 1/80, f2.8. This morning there was five rack bucks together occasionally sparring, you will see video from this morning in the future. What a difference in shooting in the two locations over my break. While in elk country almost all video and photographs were taken with the 200-400 f4 lens, I only shot a few with the 70-200 f2.8, but in SNP all my photographs were taken with the 70-200 and none with the 200-400.
Please visit Shane's blog today for a new post.
Great picture. I glad you enjoyed your trip. can't wait to see more.
Nice. Encouraging post. I have clients the first week of November, so good to hear there are some bucks out and about. Blue Skies.
Nice representation here! If only Illinois had a place like SNP!
Glad to see its looking good for the rut. Nice shot you have here.
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