I like baseball but have lost a lot of interest in the sport the last few years. Between liking a team that has finished under .500 the last twelve straight years and are on a record to stink even more this year to the high paid salaries of the players it has become harder for me to show an interest. This player is no different, he will not sign autographs and has an escort where ever he goes. Don't these over paid players know who pays there salaries? Without the fans they are nothing. Kids idolize them and that is a shame. This guy has never pitched in the big leagues and he is already set for life unless he does stupid things like many other athletes. I work every day like most Americans and still take time on the fire ground to talk with the kids that come around. Okay that took an unexpected turn, really I didn't see it coming when I started typing.
I agree Brad. I think the only ballplayer that really understood that was Cal Ripkin. I was fortunate enough to meet him twice at the old Memorial Stadium and get his autograph
Nice pics, Brad. The fact you were able to take pics of Strasburg batting meant he was pitching that day. All pitchers follow routines on days that they pitch, focused on the job they have been hired to do. All pitchers get psyched up prior to getting to the mound. It is unreasonable to expect that pitchers sign autographs BEFORE a game. Strasburg signs AFTER a game but the length of time available to sign sometimes varies, depending upon other duties the team assigns or if the team bus is departing. On non-pitch game days, he often spends 30 mins or more signing autographs. I also have witnessed professional autograph collectors (who sell on E-Bay) literally shove children out of the way and get aggressive with trying to get more than one autograph. With regard to having an escort, all players who have experienced security threats are provided escorts for safety.
Natsfan12, I have been to other games that strasburg didn't pitch and he did not sign autographs. It was a front office friend that said they were not even able to approach him for one. I do understand getting in a zone and not signing on days one is pitching. As for the escort I never heard of him being threatened but that it was so peolpe would not bother him. The fact remains that these guys are over paid and many forget that without fans there is no game.
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